Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Du Preez Family

Meet the du Preez Family. I am so glad this day happened. The weather did not look too promising. But luckily there are two sides to a town. And it wasn't raining on this side! Hooray!
The du Preez family used to live here in Lydenburg. But a few months ago they moved. Using this time to come check up on their house they started building here, we squeezed in a photo session. And I am so very happy with the out come! Enjoy!
Thank you du Preez Family for these beautiful photographs!

The Joubert Family

Meet the Joubert family! Before the shoot I was a little nervous I must admit. When I first met little baby Emkhe I was told that she does not take to new persons too quickly. That is why I am glad mom and dad came with (hehe).
Nevertheless it was great fun. I could really see the love Piere and Elrista have for their beautiful daughter.
And afterward we put together a compilation of photo's for a stunning 2011 Calendar, Christmas gifts for the special people in their lives.
What a fun project.
Thank-you Joubert family!

And here are the final products from my shoot with the Joubert family...