On Monday and Tuesday Fabian Jood came to visit Lydenburg. Thesam has chosen our humble mining town to pioneer the South African Movement. Go check out Thesams Nation Builders Pledge and see if you're up for the challenge!
Jeanne-Mari and Armand decided to tie the knot October 2nd, 2010. I was the chief/assistant photographer at times, Sanet Swanepoel having the same work description, hehe. At first it was a bit daunting, but I realised that here are two people with one of the most significant days of their lives infront of them and here I am to document this magnificent day. Wow, what a great priviledge! Beside from the hot, hot day, everything went soothly and the change of venue for us (as photographers) was very refreshing. Thank you Jeanne-Mari and Armand that we were allowed to photograph your special day!
So this was just a little fun! I asked Maryke if she would like to do something fun? We didn't have much of an idea of what we wanted to do or maybe we did, but at this moment in time timing and resources were the block. So we decided to do a "Come What May" session and this is the result. Thanks Maryke and Monique. You girls were alot of fun and absolutely beautiful!